Dallas Dental Arts Reopening

Happy May from Dallas Dental Arts. We are pleased to inform our patients that the office is open again and we are now accepting appointments. We began our soft opening on May 1st in accordance with Texas Governor Greg Abbott's Executive Order GA-19 and CDC guidelines. The decision to reopen did not come lightly. Our team spent weeks preparing to manage patients safely. Hours of training went into our preparation and we are happy to provide you with the dental care you have come to expect in an even safer environment.

Here is what to expect at your next appointment with us; we kindly ask that patients do not arrive early for their appointment. Patients can wait in their vehicles and call the office to verify their treatment room is ready. Upon arrival, they will again be screened and asked a series of questions to determine their COVID exposure risk. Every person who enters the office will have their temperature taken and then asked to wash their hands. Additionally, we ask you to please wear a mask when you are in the office.

Please note that we are closing our reception room and seating all patients in private holding rooms should their treatment rooms not be available. As usual, all treatment rooms at Dallas Dental Arts are closed and not open bays. This promotes patient safety and eliminates the transfer of aerosols between rooms. Appointments are staggered to ensure our patients do not cross paths when possible. We will help direct you while in the office to allow for social distancing.

During your appointment, we will not be using ultrasonic handpieces during routine cleanings to eliminate aerosols. When necessary for periodontal cleanings, a high volume evacuation system will be used to protect patients and staff. A 1.5% hydrogen peroxide rinse will be used before all treatments.

As many of you know, Dr. Allen was more than overdue for some time off. This time of isolation, even if it was forced, was more than necessary for Dr. Allen and her family to refocus and reconnect. Dr. Allen is feeling refreshed and well prepared to reopen the office with the highest infection control standards.

We hope everyone continues to stay safe and well and we can’t wait to see you again soon!


2100 Ross Ave Suite 960
Dallas, TX 75201
(214) 999-0110

Office Hours:

Monday — Friday:
8:00am to 4:00pm